Where the Lord Leads
For a few years now the Lord has been stirring our hearts. We had thought at times that perhaps he was preparing us to move on from ministry at the Flying H but pushed those thoughts aside. Our hearts were not ready for that realization yet. We have loved serving boys and their families. We love our community, our church, our home and this beautiful place.
In God’s word it says “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 I have always believed this to mean that the Lord is the one that places the right desires in our hearts when He is first in our lives and we are seeking Him.
When God called us to the Ranch fourteen years ago, He placed that desire in our hearts. That was an abrupt 180 for my husband who never wanted to be in full time ministry. We had an amazing church family, a tight knit small group and we were surrounded by family. Aaron had just finished his degree and the possibility of buying our first home (a major dream of mine) was closer than ever to becoming a reality. There was no reason for us to desire to leave all of that, other than God got ahold of our hearts.
God placed that desire in our hearts and within a year we were able to raise our support and come on staff at the Flying H. Here we are fourteen years later. It has been a wild ride! The years have met us with joys and sorrows, times of plenty and times of trials. God has been with us through it all and we know He will always be with us.
New Desires
Those stirrings I spoke of earlier, those came in the form of new ideas that would come and go as Aaron and I talked about our future. We would get ideas and think maybe someday. I now realize God was gently and slowly placing new desires in our hearts, new dreams because He was preparing us for a new season, a new place, a new calling.
How do I know that these new dreams and desires are from Him and not of our own making. Well for one thing Aaron and I kept pushing them aside. They were good dreams but the truth is we were hoping to raise our kids here at the Flying H. Once again God has blessed us with a great church, people we love, a great house, life on beautiful land. Our support has been good. Why give that up?
Quite simply, we were not going to give it up. But God began to nudge a little harder and a little more obviously till we could no longer ignore who was knocking on the door. When you’ve walked with God through many seasons you know when it’s Him. John 10:27 says “My sheep listen to My voice: I know them, and they follow me.” Just as we knew it was Him leading us here, we know it is Him leading us now.
Where is He leading us? Well, this blog was part of the new dream. Longings for “home” have become strong. A desire for the kids to get to know their extended family better. Opportunities to be there for family members and decades of dreams of building a house have all played into what’s next.
What’s coming in this New Season
It has come together for us to live with Aaron’s parents. We will be near family and friends and pretty much back home. Aaron will be working in Real Estate and helping me with this blog. Our hope is to build a home above his parents in time.
My heart for this blog has been to encourage young mothers the way others have encouraged me. To share with christian moms ways that they can disciple and minister to their children and their husbands.
Please keep our family in prayer as we transition to our new home. Pray specifically for our children as they leave home and friends. Pray that God would draw them nearer to himself through this and provide iron sharpening iron friends for them in our new place.